Kleinwood, TC Jester, Mills & Fallbrook


The Klein Stake Relief Society is a group of amazing women who come together with a common goal to help others and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. They love to serve those in need and regularly organize fun and fulfilling service projects like making cozy quilts for those in need, preparing delicious meals, and focusing on increasing personal testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Along with serving others, they also love to build their own spiritual strength and support one another. We hold regular meetings where they discuss and learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ, share their personal experiences, and cheer each other on in their own spiritual journeys. The Klein Stake Relief Society is a warm and friendly community that works together to make a positive impact on the world around them while strengthening their own faith in the process.

Stake quilting Work mEeting

April 23, 2024 9-11am

Sisters met at the Klein Stake Center to work on quilts. Watch for future dates to join us. All are welcome! Quilts made during these social hours will benefit NAM.

Klein Stake WOmen’s Day

September 16, 2023

We enjoyed a beautiful experience gathering and learning about “Certain Women” in the scriptures. Below is a video of many of the wonderful women in our stake. Enjoy!