
Klein Stake Conference

December 7th & 8th, 2024

A brief summary of each speaker’s message.


President Rich Hogan

  • Matthew 11:28-30

    God and His Son reveal their word to us. They say, “Come unto me”

    “Your success as a leader is measured primarily by your commitment to help God’s children become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.” Handbook 4.2.8

    “Take my yoke upon you”

    Jesus is asking me not to call out to Him to help me with my burdens but rather to take up His yoke and His burden. By doing so I can learn what it means to be lowly in heart, to submit and obey Him.

    A Belgian horse alone in a harness can pull 8,000lbs, two can pull 24,000. If they’re unified and work together often, even brothers, they can pull 32,000lbs!

    Being united and working together with Christ allows us to accomplish His work, His burden. What is His burden? Ponder that. Consider the burden in this way-





    This is His work, His business, what He’s trying to accomplish.

Elder Hans T. Boom

Quorum of the Seventy

  • Klein in Dutch and German means small. Our stake is big though. Great things are happening here. There’s always work to do. Hastening the work. You don’t do things faster, you do things differently.

    How can we involve the younger generations in the work?

    Mosiah 18:8-9 and 11 they clapped their hands with joy because of their covenant at baptism. If we focus more on administration of our calling, we may not be clapping our hands. The joy will come from working with the people.

    We are all ministering brothers and sisters. Joy will always come from serving others. Everyone can serve. If we understand why, and the blessing of keys. Keys move things; open doors. Spend time sitting down with each companionship and giving the assignment of ministering. Share information and give a vision of the assignment. Be careful not to overload people.

    Use the keys

    Don’t overload people

    Involve the youth 14+

    * discuss names of individuals you minister to, and what their next ordinance is (baptism, sacrament, temple, patriarchal blessing, etc)

    * Invite them to share testimony, favorite conference talk, their insights

    Return and report

    Visit first those struggling most.

    Alma 56:55, Helaman checked for the survival of each of his “sons”

    We all go through challenges and are wounded. Because of that we can relate to each other.

    How do we do this “differently”? Higher, holier way. Remember the man with palsy. Forgiven for his sins and healed. Same with those who helped him get to Jesus and put him down through the roof. James 5:19-20 shares this beautiful truth. How can we get a person involved with Christ? Go by the Spirit; may need to get many people involved.


President BJ Baldwin

  • The Spirit speaks to us all, no matter our language. President Ellis invited us to seek moments of stillness and be in the temple more. So President Baldwin thought about how he might do that and impressions came quickly. Mosiah 4 specifically stood out to him and verse 27. He took time each week to study/ponder this verse. King Benjamin’s people placed tents facing him on a tower so as he spoke, they could see and hear him. He spoke of our indebtedness to God, the blessed and happy state of those who keep commandments. The people begged for forgiveness. This same people who prior to this experience experienced much contention. He gave challenges like strive for humility, call on the Lord daily, care for poor and families. Similar to the Beatitudes of Christ’s sermon.

    Elders Bednar reminded us of President Benson’s counsel-those in the Book of Mormon wrote for our day. Study the Book of Mormon to find those great truths for us today.

    * Heavenly Father and His Son are all knowing and all powerful AND perfectly loving. We can trust Them. (His timing) In His strength we can do all things, do not boast in self (Ammon shared)

    * The adversary is cunning but God’s wisdom is greater.

    * To be able to act in His way and His timing requires us to have the Holy Ghost with us.

Maira Sisson

Inwood Ward

  • How the Book of Mormon and the gospel has helped her draw closer to Christ and Heavenly Father. The Book of Mormon gives guidance and comfort. Our struggles help us grow and see God’s love for us. It’s a powerful tool. Reminds us that with faith we can overcome anything. He knows what I’m going through and He knows me. She’s happy for the countless blessings in her life. The death of her younger sister and mother brought a lot of sadness that was sometimes overwhelming. Days felt so heavy. She wished for one more moment with them. She found comfort in the Book of Mormon. There’s hope and healing through faith. Mourning is a part of life. Death is not the end. 1 Nephi 3:7 I will go and do…save He shall prepare a way. God gives us trials we can overcome. We have God’s love and the Holy Ghost. Book of Mormon helps her understand the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Elder Daniel LeCheminant

Olde Oaks Ward

  • As a service missionary, he helps others come unto Christ by serving as Christ would. Christ is the perfect example. He fed, washed, healed, without reward or conditions of who could be served. He ignored those who judged Him. We are His hands in the world. We work as proxy for Him. President Kimball said “God does notice us and watch over us. But it’s usually through another person…we weren’t meant to be idle.”

    As an endowed member he feels great power as he serves. He invited a friend to serve with him at the Bishops storehouse. It may be a burden on his time and budget but it’s been remarkable to see God change the workings of his car since his tank of gas seems to last longer. More importantly, his relationship with this friend as well as his own relationship with God has grown. He’s had faith-building experiences.

    Talk with teenagers about the possibility of a service mission. They pick a schedule that works for them. The Church is growing and there’s an increased demand. A mission will nourish habits into a life of service.

Jeremy Gross

Klein Ward

  • He feels gratitude for the Savior’s atonement since being baptized in February of 2021. Temple work has allowed him to be endowed and then sealed to his wife and daughters. These blessings have helped him grow. He looks to His Savior often, His rock and his foundation. President Nelson taught “my decision to follow Christ is the most important I’ve ever made…”

    When we place Christ as our foundation, we become more. The only person that keeps me from blessings are me, myself and I. We imagine God has all these blessings locked up unless we comply. Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. Our fear, doubt and sin block us like an umbrella, said Elder Uchtdorf.

    Commandments are not meant to become a burden. These are moving instructions and divine help. His atonement frees me from sin and allows me to return home again.

Aimee Petty

Silver Pines Ward

  • She loves talking about Jesus. Like Mormon says at the end of Ether, “seek this Jesus”.

    Diligence means to her reading scriptures daily, praying daily, and attending church weekly. But something was still missing; a connection with God. The responsibility lies with each of us to create that connection. She was like an infant, making all the “milestones” (doing what we should be doing) and so her approach was infantile. Wanting to be fed like a 4-6 month old.

    She received a kick in the pants when she was called to be a seminary teacher. She could stay and be fed or “grow up”. Ask, seek and knock. Her faith was tied to the outcome. Now she has consistent scripture study, starting with prayer. Then she reads and asks. She learns definitions of words. Personal revelation has come. Christ promises as we seek we will find. When we want to talk to God, we pray. When we want to hear God, we read the scriptures. The mysteries of God will be unfolded. Look for God’s hand in our daily lives. When we knock on the door, it’s to see if someone is there. When we knock God always answers. Maybe not the way we think or want. But He does.

    As she has come to know God and Jesus, the more love she has for her husband and children. She has seen what she likes to call “winks from heaven”. Talking about Him to others is helpful too. She knows this is not a daily kind of thing. It’s still a challenge. Now she’s a toddler. One moment happy and the next throwing a tantrum.

    But a connection to God takes work. It will be different for her than for you.

Sister Nena Rawson

Service Mission Leader

  • She has auch wonderful memories of this building, stake, and people. This Church is true. Principles taught here are what we need in these Latter-days. So grateful for temples and the programs of the Church to guide us. The Book of Mormon is important.

Elder Brent Rawson

Service Mission Leader

  • “I’m glad I came” (something he’d always say as stake president). Grateful for the opportunity to gather and strengthen each other. He can’t add to Elder LeCheminant. How lucky he and his wife are to serve with these young people. There’s a desire for everyone to serve God. The Lord opens doors and finds opportunities for the service missionaries. People often ask, “How do we get more of these YM and YW”? A desire is a call to serve. Anyone can serve. He’s taught often by his grandchildren. We’d be wise to learn from and be like children. The prayer of a child stick with him all week. “How to be good/better” at church? Am I noticing others, magnifying my calling, listening carefully, thinking of covenants, etc. He knows we are about a great work. Christ lives.

Elder Hans T Boom

Quorum of the Seventy

  • We must all think about having the entire Klein area come to Christ.

    He’s not supposed to take photos, but he took one of Elder LeCheminant. He may need to be in some promotional videos for service missionaries. 😉 Service and teaching is what the Savior did. Who knows the Master whom he has not served? Philippians 4:13 he would not be able to do what he does without realizing where his strength comes from. Ministering thoughts and feelings-how the Lord’s strength can help us. A loved one’s faith was shattered and they could not be together physically. They pray and fast for her. Miracles happen. Never give up. Luke 15:4 we need to make a plan and go after the one; that which was lost. We need to be willing. Go after until he find it. Don’t ever give up on people. He doesn’t say “I told you so” or kick at them to go home. No Christ carries the lamb home. We can help Him in that finding and carrying them home. Listen and love.

    What was the difference between Jeremy’s experience before and after receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost? He replied, “extreme loneliness to extreme joy”. For each person, how the Holy Ghost works is different. We teach the WAYS people can experience Him. When someone loves the Lord, there’s a beauty to that person. The Holy Ghost is the sanctifier. The one that starts the process of the atonement. We bring forth Zion in our day by seeking those who are lost, accepting callings, ministering, etc.

    Extra layer of the power or the Holy Ghost

    * Wisdom

    * Understanding

    * Counsel

    * Fortitude-courage in pain and adversity

    * Knowledge

    * Piety-devotion to God and fear of God and submission to God; hatred to evil

    1 Nephi 14 power of the Lamb of God

    The atonement of Jesus Christ

    Repentance in German is a different word that means “turn around”. When we become aware of our distance from God, we will seek for Christ and turn to Him. Cannot use casual prayer; instead they should be pleadings.

    During a training in German, which he was not currently fluent in, he prayed to God and said, “when you called me, you gave me the gift of tongues.” Elder Boom expected God’s help, pleaded for it. And for one hour, his call with the German saints went smoothly, no translation needed.

    In the days ahead, we will need the power of the atonement. The power is not limited. It’s for all of God’s faithful children. Because of Christ, we can do all things. He loves all of us, those here and elsewhere, lost or found. If we follow the stepping stones our prophet gives us, we will be safe, cared for, loved.


President Rob Ellis

  • After Christ was born there came wise men from the East. By the time of their arrival, Christ was then a young child. They knew Jesus was their personal Redeemer. Wise disciples did not stay home to be content in their comfortable belief. They sought Jesus, and had exceedingly great joy. To whom or to what will I give my life, President Nelson asked. Jesus doesn’t just ask people to believe. He asks them to “come and follow Him”. Of all the different labels we can adopt the most important are:

    * Child of God

    * Child of the Covenant

    * Disciple of Jesus Christ

    As with anything that is worthwhile, discipleship is not easy. Jesus loves us too much to leave us where we are, in complacency. There’s no growth in the comfort zone and there’s no comfort in the growth zone. The question for us is not so much what we know and believe but rather what are we willing to become?

    Avoid 2 common extremes:

    * Overwhelmed by inadequacies

    * Puffed up with our own acts, overconfidence

    Both extremes suffer from fatal focus on self. Similarly, as a flight, just driving to the airport and sitting on the airplane does not mean you earned the trip or did it yourself. Or that you don’t deserve this trip, or that you won’t make it, have too much luggage, or took too long walking through the terminal to the exit. The power of the jet and skill of the pilot gets you there. We can have exceedingly great joy as we focus on Jesus and His gospel.

    Here are three key attributes of disciples of Christ that can enable us to feel joy. Disciples of Christ…

    1. Keep on trying. They are joyful because they are so often redeemed and regularly forgiven. Trust in Jesus’ promise that He will make up the difference. It’s neither too early or too late to become a devout disciple of Jesus Christ. The Lord’s correction is needed and a blessing. Be humble and submissive.

    2. Resist distractions so you can stand with Jesus. There’s an epidemic of wasting time or “sleeping through the restoration”. “Don’t miss the majesty of the moment,” President Nelson said. Many distractions promise us connections or fun. But they are empty calories without nutrition for our soul. No neutral ground in the universe. Lucifer would have us so busy with the details… that there’s no time to actually live the gospel said Sherri Dew. Elder Bednar gave 2 questions for us to evaluate.

    *Does the use of technology invite or impede the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost?

    *Does the time you spend using technology enlarge or restrict your capacity to love and serve in meaningful ways?

    Jesus is doing His work. Let us stand with Him to help Him in His great work. Be in the temple more often. Our stake needs more ordinance workers. Talk with the Lord about serving in the temple. Not only does the temple need us but we need the joy that comes from serving in the temple

    3. Yoke themselves to Christ through covenants. What is a yoke? A wooden bar connecting animals who are then better able to work together. Through covenants we bind ourselves to Christ so we can receive the Holy Ghost.

    Just like the wise men, as we do these three things, we will find Jesus. As we make becoming a disciple of Christ our highest priority we will experience joy.

Finley Nuzman

Wimbledon Ward

  • She said a prayer in Target, felt like she should give a gift card to a person in the store, and wished them a Merry Christmas. We are being disciples of Jesus Christ as we serve those around us.

    Report back in prayer. Christ spent His life doing good. Matt 25 “come ye blessed of my Father…ye gave me meat…inasmuch as ye have done it until the least…ye have done it unto me.”

    Being a disciple looks different for everyone. Let others serve us when we are in need. Sometimes we will be the angels and sometimes we will have angels surrounding us. Someday we too can stand on the right hand of God.

Grace Larcher

Kleinwood Ward

  • Finding Jesus Christ in the temple. 185 new temples have been announced or rebuilt since President Nelson became prophet. Holiness to the Lord. When we enter His house, we embark on a sacred journey; a sacred bond with God and Jesus Christ. When we make and keep covenants, we can have confidence.

    Elder Eyring’s experience of the newly constructed Teton dam which collapsed and their hometown had been destroyed. They stayed the night not knowing if their children were safe. Elder Eyring knew all would be well because of their temple covenants. “Nothing will help you more in holding to the iron rod…” said President Nelson.

    She made an effort to follow the prophet’s counsel to spend more time in the temple. Because his words are God’s words. She made an attempt to try following his counsel. She started a youth activity and then went each week. She was happier and her relationships improved. What seemed impossible became doable.

    If you want to find somebody, you go to their home. Same goes for the Lord. Attend His Holy house and you will find Him. Satan will distract us. He often uses the phone. Don’t fall for that. He is going down and he wants to drag as many as he can with him. Go to the temple, earnestly seek Him, and you will find Him.

Ethan Blackwelder

Kleinwood Ward

  • Trust the Lord and better understand His timing. If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. Nothing in life ever goes as planned. He has given us life. And we should trust Him.

    He planned on going to BYU attending with his cousin, worked on his mission papers, got ahead in school, wisdom teeth removed, then contracted a disease. He lost 45 lbs and couldn’t walk. He developed asthma and felt a major setback. Discouraged but not dead, he postponed his mission. Eventually he was assigned to Tempe AZ Spanish speaking as did another friend. He also learned 2 of his cousins had just returned from serving there. Without going to the hospital for his disease, he would not have had the experiences he had.

    Pray to God and row to shore. Execute the plans we make while trusting God’s timing. When we are stuck offshore, storms of devil threaten to overturn us, do we stop rowing? We pick up the oars and pray for God’s Grace, we pull with our might. Trust in God’s power. Things will go wrong. But failures can lead to greater things than we could ever have imagined. God is the Master, leading us around traps and dangerous waves. Heed His counsel, obey His promptings and we will make it safely to shore. “When we trust God’s will we invite the power of His timing into our lives.”

Jorge Torres

Meyer Park Branch

  • Newly baptized member, husband and father of 2. His wife and son are baptized and long time members.

    A person can go a million steps away from Church but it only takes one step to get back. Missionaries brought the gospel to him. He studied with them and the members. He agreed with what he was learning.

    Positive spiritual momentum-love, community, service and gratitude.

    1. Find joy in the covenant path by getting on the path and staying there. Be baptized, take the sacrament, keep covenants and we will have the Spirit of the Lord. Make additional covenants in the temple.

    2. Discover the joy of repentance. It helps us move forward on the covenant path. God’s kindness shall not depart from you. This does not mean life will be easy. The faithful will be received into heaven. This is a church known for making covenants. Covenants do not take a day off, said President Oaks. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church.

Bonnie Clowney

Silver Pines Ward

  • As a cater waiter, in New York, she served two plates at a time. One time the gravy on a plate tipped and landed on the lap of one of the ladies. “You have done enough,” said the lady next to her. She told her mom who promptly made her a badge (a reminder of her earthly worth) to wear on top of her cater waiter uniform. When her mom passed away, she had awful feelings of regrets. She felt hopeless. In prayer she pleaded to God for those feelings to go away. Help came in the form of a friend who came and held her hand and listened. Truly an answer to prayer.

    God reminds us of our eternal worth as eternal children of God. He does not want us to remain in darkness; He sent His Son to atone for us, suffering pains and afflictions of every kind. He is the light of the world and we shall not walk in darkness. “He will deliver you from your most excruciating circumstances,” Pres Nelson said.

    She was acutely aware of God’s love. We will not live in a state of hopelessness because of Christ. Remember this truth. You are a child of God.

Stake Patriarch Richard Morris

Kleinwood Ward

  • A Liahona for Lehi gave direction to his family. President Monson taught, “length and language do not a blessing make. It is the spirit that conveys the true meaning.” It is to be read, loved, followed. These blessings come from God. If you think it’s too late to receive your blessing, this is an eternal blessing. It is not too late.

    Come, hear the words the Lord has for you. You need to be worthy, but not perfect. The Spirit whispers thoughts and feelings to the Patriarch’s mind. He excuses himself to pray. The veil becomes very thin when he places his hands on God’s child. He sees them, not as the world sees them or they see themselves. He sees them as His. As you honor this blessing, God will honor you.

Sister Manion

Temple Matron

  • She loves serving in the temple, for 3 months now. Wonderful, joyous experience. Learning the history of the church in this area. As the church in south Texas grew, in 1953, the first stake was created, 15 units from 42 counties. Heavenly Father has something different in mind for us. If life isn’t working out the way we want, God has great things in store for us.

Brother Manion

Temple Presidency Counselor

  • It’s a privilege to serve in the temple. He had a profound experience in the temple. He and his wife were the last to leave the temple one evening. He felt impressed to return to the celestial room. He recounted all of the miracles he’d witnessed and experienced in one single day in the temple. A family who was persecuted and driven out of their home country of Iran, introduced to the gospel in Indonesia, and were baptized were then sealed in the temple as a family.

    What a small community the Church is. We can get to know the Savior personally as we attend the temple and perform ordinances for our ancestors. How blessed we are to live close to the temple.

Elder Hans T Boom

Quorum of the Seventy

  • We have been taught by the youth. Beautiful job Finley, and we have heard Amazing “Grace” twice today (the song and Grace Larcher). From Ethan we learned about surviving and persevering.

    “The whole earth shall be in commotion. The love of man shall wax cold and iniquity shall abound” says the scripture. Those are our days. We should not fear for the days ahead or that have arrived. We must rely on the Holy Spirit. The influence of artificial intelligence can trick us. Everything we see in news, we wonder if it’s fake or real. So we have to see with spiritual eyes.

    Doctrine and Covenants 87 “my disciples shall stand in holy places and not be moved”. What does it mean to not be moved? Hold to the rod. The rod of iron is the word of God. We hold onto scriptures, Christ (who is the Word) and we learn in John 1. Hold onto Christ and our covenants to be not moved.

    The Book of Mormon is an ongoing thing. Study from it daily. Let the Book of Mormon be a part of our daily life always.

    What are these holy places? For sure it is the temple. Go as often as we can. There are times and seasons in our lives. So don’t compare yourself to others. A second holy place is church. Our homes should be a holy place, a place where we feel the Spirit. Everything that comes into our home we must manage. Filter out the bad. The way we interact with each other matters too. It takes prayer and apologies to get rid of negative energy. The music, conversations, scripture study, etc. in our home matter. When he measures things, he wonders if he is sealed to it. So family comes first.

    Our prophet teaches us step by step and when we follow that, we cannot go wrong. Christ paid the price, His atonement, which allows us to return, be resurrected, and live with God again.